GATE 2016 Toppers and Qualified List for Admissions into IIT's | Gate 2016 Toppers List with Names and Marks

GATE 2016

Gate 2016 has been conducted this year by Delhi IIT ,the organizing institute for GATE 2016.
The three hour test in 21 papers was conducted in 860 centers and 170 cities/towns across
the country on two days: the computer based online exam in six papers on 29th January 2016 and the offline exam in the remaining fifteen papers on 12th February 2016.

How many students applied for GATE 2016 ?
A total of 7,77,134 candidates registered for GATE 2016 and 6,86,614 candidates appeared for the exam. Nearly 81% of the total number of candidates who appeared for GATE 2016 were from four papers:

  • Electronics and Communication Engineering (1,76,944),
  • Computer Science and Information Technology (1,56,780),
  • Mechanical Engineering (1,12,320) and 
  • Electrical Engineering (1,10,125).

GATE 2016 Results ?With nearly onw month after the date of written exams ,GATE 2012 has been declared and the candidates can check their results from the url given here

How many students /candidates get qualified in GATE 2016
 For this academic year GATE 2016 the total number of GATE qualified candidates is 1,08,526.
This year, 30,294 OBC
candidates qualified in the test, while 23,765 SC/ST and 447 physically challenged
candidates qualified.Out of 1,85,198 female candidates who appeared in GATE 2016,
22,896 candidates qualified.

Who Tops the GATE 2016 exam ?
The IIT Delhi zone topped among the other zones with 18,927 candidates figuring in the list
of qualified candidates, followed by IIT Madras (17,343), IIT Kharagpur (15,735), IISc
Bangalore (14,379), IIT Kanpur (12,469), IIT Roorkee (12,328), IIT Bombay (12,287), and
IIT Guwahati (5,058)


S NoNameStreamAIRCity
1Kamalika ChatterjeeME1Kolkata
2Aniket DattaEE1Kolkata
3Aniket SinghaEC2Kolkata
4Rajdip NayekCE2Durgapur
5Arnab ChakrabortyIN2Kolkata
6Suprovat GhoshalCS3Kolkata
7Arkadeep KumarME3Kolkata
8Surabhi PunjabiCS4Indore
9Jean JocobEC5Bangalore
10Soumya PalEE6Kolkata
11Ankit GuptaCS7Nagpur
12Afaque AzamEC7Raipur
13Pawan Kumar PareekEC8Jaipur
14Soumyasree ChakrabortyEE9Kolkata
15Anuj KumarME9Kanpur
16Sumit KumarCS10Lucknow
17Gaurav PandeyIN11Delhi
18Aparna J SEC11Trivandrum
19Megha AgrawalBT11Raipur
20Amol BhangdiyaCS12Pune
21Shubhrajit MaitraCE13Kolkata
22Prashant BhardwajCS13Delhi
24Akash JainEC13Bhopal
25Jamesranjith Kumar REE14Coimbatore
26Selwin KumarEC15Coimbatore
27Nishi GandhaBT17Delhi
28Shubhayan SarkarCE17Kolkata
29Shruti SharmaCS17Bhopal
31Syed Shahjahan AhmadEE18Kolkata
32Goutham AmbatiEC18Take Home
33Manish KandelwalCS19Jaipur
34Georgy MatthewCS19Bangalore
35Nikhil VatsaIN20Lucknow
36Sampurna DattaCE20Kolkata
37Arjun RaveendranathIN21Hyderabad
38Prithi ChattopadhyayIN21Kolkata
39Dipanjan ChaudhuriIN21Kolkata
40Satya SwarupIN21Bhubaneswar
41Subhabrata DebnathCS22Kolkata
42Ayush DubeyCS22Hyderabad
43Samrat MukhopadhyayEC22Kolkata
44Malay SanghiCS22Bangalore
45Shubrat MishraEC23Bhubaneswar
46Shubham SethiCS26Kanpur
47Subhasmitha SahooIN29Hyderabad
48Dhananjay DeshmukhME29Hyderabad
49Abhishek VermaME29Lucknow
50Maharaja AdhikariIN31Kolkata
51Subhajit ChaudhuriEE33Kolkata
52Santosh PatilCS34Hyderabad
53Uttiya MukherjeeME34Kolkata
54Arpita BiswasCS34Kolkata
56Shivam BaraiME36VV Nagar
57Abu BalanandanIN39Trivandrum
58Jayanti MaheshwariIN39Indore
60Srikara PCE44Bangalore
61Naval SinghCH44Kanpur
62Ashish AgarwalCS47Pune
63Shiv Ganesh SankarabagamEC47Chennai
64Aadirupa SahaCS49Kolkata
65Aditya GuptaIN50Indore
66Prashant ShakyaIN50Delhi
67Kallol DeyCS54Kolkata
68Lorin AhmedCS54Bhopal
69Shubham GautamCS54Delhi
70Ankur GuptaCS54Bangalore
71Ajay GuptaCS54Mumbai
72Sneha PaulIN56Kolkata
73Deepanshu SinghEE59Delhi
75Rohan BhallaCS64Delhi
76Amit Kumar ThakurCH64Delhi
77Arnab DuttaCH64Kolkata
78Soham GhoshCS64Kolkata
79Abhishek BhattacharyaME66Kolkata
80Kumar DarshanME66Bhopal
81Biswajoy GhoshBT66Kolkata
82Gourav Kumar MukherjeeEE67Kolkata
83Debarati BanerjeeIN67Kolkata
84Kaustav BhattacharyaIN67Kolkata
85Sourav ChatterjeeEC67Kolkata
86Maunik ShahCS70Vadodara
87Afsal KCS70Hyderabad
88Harish Kumar SharmaEE72Jaipur
89Nilesh PatidarIN73Indore
90Shilpa MittalIN73Delhi
91Balaji SME73Chennai
92Pankaj BholeCH76Bangalore
93Alok KumarEE76Warangal
94Himanshu VarshneyEC77Delhi
95Rahul GawandeEC77Delhi-Pitampura
96Abhishek SahuCS78Bhopal
97Neha SinghCS81Lucknow
98Nabeel NasirCS81Hyderabad
99Kulkarni Rucha ChandrakantCS81Pune
100Piyush DungarwalCS81Nagpur
101Neethu L KCS81Trivandrum
102Praxal ShahEC83Ahmedabad
103Rahul AroraME83Pune
104Jagtap Pushpak MahadeoIN86Mumbai
105Bhallamudi VenkateshEE87Warangal
106Virender SinghCS88Jaipur
107Abhimanyu KhoslaCS88Delhi
108Anshuman MishraCH89Delhi
109Tushar JoshiEC91Delhi
110Ganesh JadhavME93Pune
111Arnab AcharyaCE94Kolkata
112Nirav MehtaCS95Nagpur
113Snehal MotarwarCS95Pune
114Mahesh GuptaCS95Mumbai
115Shivam BansalCS95Lucknow
116Neeraj KishoreCS95Bhopal
117Animesh JainIN95Indore
118Arnab DeyIN95Kolkata
119Suparno BhattacharyyaME96Kolkata
120Abhijeet JoshiEC99Nagpur
Gate 2016 Toppers List , Gate 2016 Toppers Names with Marks ,Gate 2016 Notifications


what score is req for IITs?


toppers of gate 2012


Minimum Score required is 25


I ve a gate score of 23.67 and belong to obc will i get scholarship?


my score is 36/100 and 91 percentile and rank is 12921.
where can i apply for MTech


 Congratz @d80c814f93aeb6e1b7f17c20c73e3969 ,which place you're from ?


 Sorry @1cbaa10a269a95fdcfc6cf42bf195fa4 ,the minimum mark required is 25 .


i got 33.33 out of 100 in gate 2012 subject all india rank is 660. my gate score is 378. i belong to OBC.  tell me my chance to get admission in iit for M tech/PHD


i got 565 gate score, 74 rank in production and industrial engg. what are my chances for addmission in iit and which iit please??


do i know the max. marks awarded for gate architecture 2012


my score is 42.67/100 and 461/1000 in gate 2012 cs
all india rank is 5916 out of 156780 appeared in cs
What is my percentile and wat colleges i can apply for?
plz guide me


hey i got 33.33 in gate 2012 in cs .Where can i make a stand ...Pls list some good universities ...Thanx in my percentile is 88.67


Sir, i have appeared in gate 2012, my percentile is 95.77 and got 41.17 marks in computer science. can u please suggest me the colleges i can apply. is there any chance of IIT/NIT `s.Belongs to general category.


Dear @f0c5e5050cb1f171a6570eddb5d7c9de well you can go for High profile college though,getting into IIT/NIT's is something not easier one with this marks friend


my score 25.33/100 and rank 17842,mhere i can apply for


I got 30.33 marks in Production and industrial paper . And gate score is 399 and all India rank is 266. I wish to have admission in Production field. So how can i come to know about cut off marks for institutes.. And where should i apply ?


apply to any of the college ,which accepts Low percentile

Vist Here :


Calculate your Percentile with the help of formula given here : 


CHeck out this post,and you can go for some reputed colleges as well


my score is 34.67/100 and rank is 800. gate score is 204. architecture.. sir pls tell me about this score.. where can i apply for m.arch and whether the overall performance is bad... so that i can retake gate... am an sc student


how do i calculate the percentile??


Pls view this post : 


@9b69004a06aa18fec7b61fe39c9a4a74 well you can surely apple for good college..dont worry. You belong to SC category ,so there is more possibilities for getting a good collge near you. Mean while dont forgot to mention your Place / location ,so that we can suggest you a good campus.

Ashwini kumar malviya mod

My GATE 2012 marks 52.33/100
Score: 593
AIR: 1811
Percentile: 98.84
I want to apply for MS(Research) Program...plz suggest me where I can apply for it and also make suggestions for Mtech univ.

Ashwini kumar malviya mod

 I belong to General category.


Well,you've scored Good marks ,try for Any Govt institutions first,and then you can go for others.

Do let us know your place,so that we can suggest you some colleges around you.

Ashwini kumar malviya mod

 I lives in Bhopal (MP). Sorry for not mentioning it in the first place

Ashwini kumar malviya mod

 Can I go for IITs for MS. If so then what IITs?


You can gofor ,IIT,NIT 's if  you've scored 80+ out of 100 ..with this mark surely you can go for Well reputed college or university.

Good Luck


my gate score is 33.33 /100 and 88 percentile and rank is 17755 in cs and OBC category...where can i get best college?


my score is 25.33 in electrical. which college should i try for mtech


thank you for the reply sir....  am in mangalore...


can u please suggest me the colleges that i can apply.... 

Vinujohnpanicker mod

I got 1530 rank and my gate score is 461 for Civil engineering GATE. Where will i get admission??


I am from mech engg., general category. I have secured an AIR of 39 with gate score of 876. what are my chances of getting admission in IISC 

Sharmila Siri mod

sir my gate score is 29.67/100 AIR 1185 in chemistry.i belong to open category, Andhra Pradesh. Wil i be admitted into good reputed college????? sir plese guide me.......


sir my gate score is 263 
i belong to SC catagorymy branch is EEcan i gat admission in iit?

Jaykareliya23 mod

i got 298 rank and i have qulified with 30.67 in CS branch and my percentile is 99.80. and i am belong in obc category .pls,tell me in which collage i get admission in iit and nit.pls tell me i very worry about to admission.

Prerna_rocks6 mod

even my score is 36/100 with 91.7 percentile, where can i apply. I,m from Delhi.


My score is 330 in CS. AIR is18574. 88.33 percentile.General Category.Is there any chances for me to get any good college in Tamilnadu? Need guidance please?

Dhandi Mohan mod

i got 32.33 can i get the seat in NIT warangal or IIT hyderabad

Dhandi Mohan mod

i got 32.33 can i get the seat in NIT warangal or IIT hyderabad and i belong to sc category and im frm cse


hey friend don't take sugessions (which r not related to your ideas....)
please follow your heart.......what it is going to said.

life is once  ,age is once
so pls pls
don't compromise with your ideas...


hey friend....can u pls give me any useful sugessions to crack gate exam like you. because i want to became a iit student in future.

Nitish_bhalawe mod

sir my gate score is 280 & i belong to st catagory ..
my branch is cs can i gat addmission in nit/iit? 
from jabalpur


sir my gate score is 271 and rank is 30615,
i belongs to obc category and in the stream of cse. where can i apply for mtech? did i get seat in jntuk

Sarath falthoos mod

I got a rank of 12000 in CS,where can i do M.Tech?? Can i get a seat in JNTU(K)
Please guide me....

Skvsarathyourfriend mod

I got a rank of 12000 in CS,where can i do M.Tech?? Can i get a seat in JNTU(K)
I belong to marks:36.33Gate score:375
Please guide me.... 

Tejaswinipradhan mod

 my gate score is 484...and AIR 205 in general categoryin which IIT can i get admission..please suggest me....thanks


my score is 44/100 in architecture, can i get admission in iit or nit, i fall under the obc category.


How many seats does each department of IIT-B accommodate for M.Tech programme 2012-13. And what are its divisions in terms of reservation of students intake in a department.  


sir i got 29.33 marks in gate 2012 but cut-off for me (obc) is 29.73, my gate score is 264 ,and rank is 7550, can i apply for the admission in M.Tech(civil) in N.I.T.?


i belong to OBC , i have gate rank of 8011, belong to EEE,89.9 percentile, and this rank belongs to 2011, can i apply for NIT'S.. i am from andhra pradesh, near visakapatnam..


any one plz help me in finding out the percentage in gate i got 31 marks out of 100 and my gate score is 302 and my all india rank is 23451. i have the formula for calculatng the percentage bt im nt aware of that can any one help me out wha my percentage is


i score 26.67 ingate 2012 bc-b caste plz give more information about gate


sir i belong to OC category and i got AIR 6467and GATE SCORE 395 in ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING am from ANDHRA PRADESH please help me where can i get admission kindly help meee


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